Prophet T. Lamar Leak is an "End Time" Defender of the Faith and Prophet for this generation. Pinned as the "Prophetic Ambassador", he submits himself to the Apostolic grace and Prophetic mandate on his life. With his unique approach to the word of God and his seasoned delivery of the scriptures, he captivates the hearts and minds of those under the sound of his voice.
While many people have been called to the NATIONS, Prophet Leak works his assignment in obedience to God as a "PROPHET TO THE CHURCH". He has been charged by God to CRY ALOUD AND SPARE NOT....TO RAISE HIS VOICE LIKE A SHOFAR IN ZION AND TO SHOW THE PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL THEIR SINS. (Isaiah 58:1)
With serving in ministry some 21+ years, he presently is the founder and President of Remnant Prophetic Ministry which is his Evangelistic Outreach & Itinerant ministry banner which covers the ministry’s annual conference: “The Glory Summit”, Remnant Publications and Resources, LLC. and The Remnant Academy: The school of Spirit Filled Academic Excellence.
Prophet Torrin is also the proud Senior Pastor of The Hope Christ Centered Aseembly under the Apostolic leadership of his General Overseer & Pastor, Ascending Apostle Terra Speight (Life Changers International Covenant Network) He also sits and serves on the Executive Board of the Pentecostal Assembly Of Churches Of Jesus Christ (Havre De Grace, Maryland - Headquarters) and is the Adjutant General of the DPIFC of Grimesland, NC.